Sunday, May 6, 2012

Complete Portfolio


Expressive Hands, Sharpies

Retrato de Jose, Sharpies

Crooked, Curved, Power, Colored Pencils and Neil's Face

Life in Still, Charcoal, Conte, Pastel

Abstract Sound, Acrylic

Geometric Faces, Pencil, Colored Pencil

Figure Drawing, Conte, Charcoal, Pastel

Galaxy Shoes, Acrylic

My Studio, Graphite

Skeleton Blah, Watercolor Blah

Self Portrait at 17, Graphite


Janet Jackson Melun Diptych, Photoshop and Digital Painting

Kiss Like a Virgin, Photoshop and Digital Painting

Mademoiselle d'Victoria's Secret, Photoshop

Nighthawks at Starbucks, Photoshop

Lady Gaga with the Pearl Earring, Acrylic

Detail of Lady Gaga with the Pearl Earring, Acrylic

Megan Fox Diptych, Acrylic

Statue of David Beckham, Graphite

Detail of David's Abs because they're Abs :), Graphite

Son of Apple, Acrylic

Detail of Son of Apple, Acrylic

Unforgettable, Acrylic

Van Gogh Vans for Vani, Acrylic and Fabric Medium