Expressive Hands, Sharpies |
Retrato de Jose, Sharpies |
Crooked, Curved, Power, Colored Pencils and Neil's Face |
Life in Still, Charcoal, Conte, Pastel |
Abstract Sound, Acrylic |
Geometric Faces, Pencil, Colored Pencil |
Figure Drawing, Conte, Charcoal, Pastel |
Galaxy Shoes, Acrylic |
My Studio, Graphite |
Skeleton Blah, Watercolor Blah |
Self Portrait at 17, Graphite |
Janet Jackson Melun Diptych, Photoshop and Digital Painting |
Kiss Like a Virgin, Photoshop and Digital Painting |
Mademoiselle d'Victoria's Secret, Photoshop |
Nighthawks at Starbucks, Photoshop |
Lady Gaga with the Pearl Earring, Acrylic |
Detail of Lady Gaga with the Pearl Earring, Acrylic |
Megan Fox Diptych, Acrylic |
Statue of David Beckham, Graphite |
Detail of David's Abs because they're Abs :), Graphite |
Son of Apple, Acrylic |
Detail of Son of Apple, Acrylic |
Unforgettable, Acrylic |
Van Gogh Vans for Vani, Acrylic and Fabric Medium |