Friday, November 11, 2011

"crooked, curved, and power" - Random Words Assignment

Photo is a little washed out, sorry. First time using colored pencils! Not that much to say about this's not done, I still have tons of paper to fill in somehow. I have to draw in the hat, and I'll do that soon. I also want to work on the skintone and rounding it out a bit/adding more values. Any ideas for what I can do around it? There's a loottt more canvas space so I don't really know what to do! I think I'm gonna fill in some of his shirt.

Thanks for letting me distort your face, Neil :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Figure Drawing

Okaaaay's kind of weird. And the photo is really bad and her hair looks really red. Oh well. It's still in progress but it's basically's hard working on it without the model but I tried. I don't really know how I feel about it and I kind of feel like Neil because this was painful and yeah. Does the shading look werid? In terms of contrast anyway? Cause Myles saw it and said it was good and then asked if the model was a Black Ginger. And she wasn't...

Also I've updated the still life with my more complete (but still not complete yet) piece.